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It is recommended that you arrive at the car park 2 hours and a half before the departure time of your flight The shuttle will leave for the airport less than 10 minutes after your arrival at the car park If you wish, you can ask Parking Pas Cher Charleroi to check your vehicle both at entry and exit to be sure nothing has happened during your trip For internal organization reasons, during high attendance periods, Parking Pas Cher Charleroi may ask you to leave the keys of your vehicle during your trip

Parking Pas Cher Charleroi (free shuttle to airport) car park

The car park Parking Pas Cher Charleroi is a public car park open for booking. It includes a free shuttle offer at 10 minutes from the airport.

Car access
Rue Pont-à-Migneloux 43 - 6041 Charleroi
Access types
Parking Pas Cher Charleroi (free shuttle to airport)


The barrier will open automatically thanks to plate recognition.

All you need to know about car park Parking Pas Cher Charleroi (free shuttle to airport)

How to go to car park Parking Pas Cher Charleroi (free shuttle to airport)?

Access guide

How to access the car park?

15 minutes before your arrival, call +32 486 541 751 to inform Parking Pas Cher Charleroi of your being on time Enter the parking lot located at Rue Pont-à-Migneloux 43, 6041 Charleroi Parking Pas Cher Charleroi's staff will welcome you, check the validity of your booking and tell you where to park your vehicle You will then be transferred to the airport (8-to-10-minute trip)

How to retrieve your vehicle?

When reaching the luggage belt, call the shuttle driver at +32 486 541 751 You will be picked up at the terminal and transferred to the parking lot where you will get your vehicle back

Where to park?

Indicated by on-site staff

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